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Discover Oceans Tin Set by Wonders of Learning

Original price was: £12.00.Current price is: £8.50.

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Discover Oceans Tin Set by Wonders of Learning contains a paperback reference book, wall chart and an ocean excavation kit. This set is an introduction to our oceans and provides a captivating insight into the wonders and marvels that exist in this largely unexplored world.

  • Wall Chart (60 x 87 cm) – pictorial representation of some of the wildlife that can be found in oceans.
  • Discover Oceans Paperback Book – a double page about the following topics: Introduction; Three Major Oceans; The Artic and the Southern Ocean; Ocean Zones; Deep Sea Dwellers: Microscopic Marine Life; Crustaceans; Small Marine Creatures; Squid, Octopuses and Tropical Fish; Mighty Marine Inhabitants; Coral Reefs; Tsunami; Coastal Landscapes; Oceand and Climate Change; Conservation of Marine Life.
  • Ocean Excavation Kit – Use the 3 tools provided to excavate 3 animals. Then research and find out about the animals you have excavated.

Educational Benefits:

  • develops reading skills needed to gain information
  • encourages research about oceans, marine wildlife, climate change, Tsunamis.
  • develops geographical  and scientific knowledge
  • develops fine motor skills and hand eye coordination

Manufacturers age recommendation 8 years +. I believe 6 – 10 years would enjoy this set.

Tin Dimenions: 230 x 168 x 60mm


Wonders of Learning


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